Novel non-invasive treatment for neuropathic and chronic pain combining ultrasound with electrostimulation.
We don't relieve pain.
We cure it.
Over 20,000 successful treatments worldwide addressing unmet medical needs.
• Treating a wide range of pain indications
• Significant results in 2-3 sessions
• Enabling full recovery
• Cost effective & portale
Patented approach for overcoming natural body bio-impedance that normally blocks the efficacy of ultrasound waves.
CureSound enables up to 10cm penetration of ultrasound waves into the body resulting in dramatic therapeutic effect.
The system is designed to ease the pain and accelerate the healing process of chronic wounds such as Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU), Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU), Ischemic ulcers and pressure ulcers.
Our method combines two proven medical technologies: Ultrasound and Electric Field Stimulation in a coordinated manner varying over the course of the treatment in both frequency and intensity) in order to to achieve maximum efficacy in chronic pain treatments.
Treatment Protocol
CureSound uses low intensity electric currents and 1-3MHZ ultrasound frequencies.
Standard treatment duration is 20 minutes long consisting of applied electric fields combined with the Ultrasound treatment.
Resolving conditions not addressable by other conventional methods. CureSound has thousands of patients treated to normal living after years of suffering from chronic and neuropathic pain.
Distributors, VARs, Medical Centers, Gyms, Sports Groups... anyone else who feels we can help - just send us a note. We will get back to you within 48 hours max.